Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Blogger is not allowing anything I post to actually go through thus far, despite trying for days. Hopefully this one will.

Equal Exchange

Recently I found myself at New Seasons trying to decide whether or not I wanted to get more Stumptown Hair Bender beans or pick up something different. The selection at New Seasons is impressive, to say the less, and after "eeny, meeny, miney, mo'ing" I chose Equal Exchange's Organic Espresso blend...and I picked up a bag of the Hair Bender, just in case.

Not knowing if Equal Exchange's espresso was supposed to be "chocolatey," or "bright," or "with hints of caramel," I opened the bag up and ran a test shot. As a straight shot I was pleasantly surprised. It is a rarity that I feel as if I can drink just a shot of espresso. Normally they are too strong for me. I prefer to cut it with milk...just the right amount, of course...but he digs them and calls me "pansy." As if. I saved the shot hoping he would make it home for lunch in time to give the first pull a taste, however he ran late and the espresso got cold. So it was cappuccino's all around instead! It's the way it should be, really.

Equal Exchange describes their Organic Espresso as such: "Our rendition of a Northern Italian favorite. Caramel sweet flavor with a touch of blueberry, a bit of dark chocolate, vibrant body and a “kick-in-the-pants” wake-up call for a finish. This classic espresso has blossomed in our new roaster, and is racking up rave reviews from customers across the country."

Our Thoughts

HIS SIDE: Doesn't taste "coffee" enough. Too fruity and too weak.

HER SIDE: Wow! That is BRIGHT! I'm getting the whole "kick in the pants" reference now. Very fruity, not enough roasty/chocolatey flavors going on. I think this would be a refreshing blend for summer, yet I definitely like the more darker, roastier, chocolatey, caramel notes over fruity, floral, and bright ones. And yes I realize I just made up some words. That's how I roll.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Reader Questions

Given the questions we receive, we thought it would be fun (and interesting) to start posting a "Reader Question of the Week." Each week we will answer a question, sent in by YOU, on this blog. They can be serious, funny, about espresso, machines...whatever floats your boat. Then on each Friday we will post one question and answer it.

To submit a question, click on the EMAIL link on the right hand side of the page, and ask away! Or just CLICK HERE.