Monday, March 12, 2007

Another blend has been ordered

We are once again getting low on our tasty gold, so we have ordered from another place we've heard good things about. And once again, you will have to wait and see which one that is. I am hoping it will be this week so fear not, a new review shall be up soon.

In the meantime, we backed down our machine from 94 to 92 degrees and cut the brewing time from about 25-30 secs. to 25 secs. in an effort to pull out some sweetness from the Redline blend. Thankfully this has helped. My cappuccinos are no longer bitter but both "He" and I haven't been bowled over by this one. We like it "okay" yet it will not be making our top five list. Maybe top ten--only time will tell. As a side note we are planning to start rating the espresso we try, not just review it. Before we implement this I will first have to figure out the best way to do so. I foresee that happening in about a year or so. ;)

A little vent--the other night I was downtown meeting some clients and decided that a nice cuppa from Thump would hit the spot. So I walked down only to find no one there. It was around 6:30'ish and I was bummed as it is almost impossible to find a place that knows how to brew up a good cap that stays open past 6 p.m. Thump also doesn't list their hours on the door so not sure when they actually closed. Seems like the only places I am aware of right now are Bellatazza (which can be tough finding a spot indoors until the weather allows for cafe seating) and Starbucks. I am so thankful I can go home and brew something yummy up when Bellatazza is packed 'cuz I'm sure as hell not hitting Starbucks.

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