Monday, April 2, 2007

For Jen

How could I not repost this after Jen gave me an awesome Mocha Biscotti recipe?! That would be so not nice--so here goes:

Five Things You Don't Know About Me

I have taken up the challenge to complete this meme. I have to list five things about me that I haven't ever revealed in my blog. Here are the rules:
1. Get tagged
2. List five things that have not been revealed on your blog
3. Tag five others.

1.) I would love to be a writer.
2.) I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle.
3.) If I won the lottery, I would give most of it away to various charities and things we believe in.
4.) I hate heights.
5.) I LOVE to dance!

I would tag others but I don't know anyone to tag. So feel free to pass this along if you'd like!


Jen said...

Thanks for playing!

I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle, too. Loved that video game at Sun Mountain where you sat on the bikes, and raced the person next to you. Vrrooom! :)

Just a cuppa lovers. said...

I have never tried that game but will have to check it out the next time I go there! Good training for the real thing. :)