Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me

That's right...today is my (a.k.a. "she") birthday. To start off I got two very cool presents. Granted, one is technically for "he" but I am claiming them both, although I will share if "he" asks politely. Or begs. Begging is always good with me.

The fabulous Jen sent our website over to the very talented Owen Dearing of Mug Revolution. He offered to let us have a couple of mugs to try out and tell him what we thought. Now knowing that I am a mug whore...errr...lover...I jumped on this. I will say, though, that even if it's free I am going to be honest. If something sucks I'm saying it. So despite the generous gift you can rest knowing that free does not equal an automatic good review. Good reviews have to be "earned" by having a quality product. There, now that that has been said...

After trying to connect for awhile and not having much luck, the very kind Owen offered to leave the mugs at his house so that I could swing by this morning and pick them up. I tried to be good and wait until "he" got home to open the box but really...it's my birthday (did I mention that?) and I am impatient. The box was opened in the car in front of Owen's house. I should say that first I opened and read the letter Owen had left for me as well and had a good chuckle. Owen, there hasn't been any "pinging" yet but I am eagerly waiting for that. :)

Before we go any farther, this has to be said. The name...Mug Revolution...how perfect is that? I am so down for a Mug Revolution! There should be more quality mugs in people's homes so that when they drink their favorite beverage they also enjoy what is containing their beverage. Viva la Mug Revolution!!

Moving on...

In said letter I learned that the blue mug had been pulled out of the kiln today. Very nice! These mugs remind me of the one my aunt had and used daily when I was a kid. I don't know where she got it from as it was long ago, yet the familiar two-toned glazing that sometimes looks like water and other times stone (to me) brought me back to sitting in her kitchen, watching her cup that beloved mug, drinking crappy coffee, and talking about anything and everything. I will admit that I am still having difficulty deciding which one shall truly be "mine" as they are both beautiful in their own right. Now coming from me, the girl who loves funky shapes, colors, and sizes that should mean something. These mugs do not need any pretentious flowers, whimsical swirls, or glaring colors. They rely solely on keeping it real, au natural. Also, you can see and feel the love and care that went into these mugs. There is something special about a hand-thrown mug. It takes a lot of talent and time. When I was in high school I took ceramics and made some really ugly stuff. Never did get a chance to "throw" anything, which was probably good because I have a feeling it would've crumpled in on itself, yet I churned out a few hand-made items during that time. I can appreciate the multitude of steps it takes to turn some clay into a meaningful shape and then in to a finished product. Clearly Owen loves what he does, and he's damned good at it too.

Size-wise there is a slight difference between the two, but both mugs allow you to comfortably wrap both hands around them which is perfect for warming up those chilly digits. The handles are awesome. Nothing pisses me off more than trying to cram my tiny hands and fingers into a mug handle only to have them cramped. They are also not super heavy like you would think upon first glance. Don't get me wrong, they have a good bulk feel to them that makes you realize these are sturdy and made to last. However you're not going to get a sore arm from using them. Neither of these are cappuccino mugs and Owen isn't trying to pass them off like they are, although you could totally do a latte in them. These are what you use when you want a nice big cup of good coffee, or a velvety rich hot chocolate, and possibly even a spot of tea (two bags please!). But they are what real mugs should be...well balanced, not too heavy, shaped perfectly, and attractive to boot! I haven't had the chance to use one yet as I've been gone most of the day. Rest assured there will be another post when both "he" and I have tried various beverages in them and can see how well they hold the temp, etc. In the meantime I am going to stare at them while they sit upon my desk waiting patiently for me.

Owen, thank you for introducing us to your tres cool mugs and for letting us sample them!

On to the pics...

Les Mugs. We got cool pads of paper too!

Side by side comparison
Close-up of the green mug inside

Close-up of the inside of the blue mug

Even the tea likes the mug.
See, told ya my hand fits perfectly!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!

Those mugs are beautiful.

Jen said...

Happy birthday!

I am glad you like the mugs... I sure enjoy my coffee or tea a little more when it's in one of Owen's mugs. :)

Anonymous said...

Have a great day and your mugs are inspinring... Will visit this site soon!