Friday, September 7, 2007

How it really works

As I'm sure I've mentioned before I am not a techy kinda girl. When it comes to gadgets, whatchamacallits, and humdingers I get lost very easily. My brain is of the creative type so that is why I rely on "him" to help me out with anything mechanically related. Even though he has never blogged on here, and I doubt he ever will, he is there behind the scenes translating for me and telling me his opinion on everything I write about (such as espresso beans and mugs). Of course there are times when I have to ask him to explain things that I know how they work, I just don't know the why or the names. This is never pleasant because he delights in taunting me with my confusion and his knowledge of EVERYTHING IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. For instance, when I wrote about the cleaning of our machine recently, this is kind of how the conversation went...

She: "What's that thing where the coffee goes through first?"
He: "Are you blogging again?"
She: "Yes. What's it called?"
He: "What's 'what' called?"
She: "That THING. You know, the THING! The screen thingies. Are there two of them or is it just one and what do they sit in? Anything?" (as I physically touch and look at the machine itself)
He: "You mean the screens?"
She: "That's what they're called? Just screens? Nothing else?"
He: "Don't you know this? You should know this. You're blogging about it and it's your machine."
(silence. evil look.)
He: "No, they're just screens. There are two of them that fit together and are surrounded by the gasket. The gasket is the seal."
She: "I know that part. "
He: "Which part?"
She: "The gasket part and how it's a seal."
He: "Well at least you know something!"
She: "You know, no one will miss you if I bury you in the backyard. And the dogs would like it because it would give them something to roll around in other then their own poop."
He: "Didn't you used to be a drafter and work for both an electrical engineering company AND a residential home builder?"
(more silence. death rays beaming from eyes.)
He: "One would presume that you would be more technically inclined."
She: "Backyard, buddy. Backyard."

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