Thursday, November 8, 2007

Tag...I'm it!

Jen tagged me. And because I totally dig her, despite never having met her, I will do this for her. Really you guys all want to know more info about us (me), right? RIGHT??

So the guidelines are that I am to tell you seven things about myself that are true. Do I add "him" in too? Nah, he's not as interesting as me anyways. ;)

1.) I wanted to be a veterinarian from the time I was 8 until I was in high school and found out how long I'd be in school for. Oh, that and I suck at math and science. Bummer.

2.) I cannot stand to have my wet hair get under my shirt when I'm getting dressed after a shower. It freaks me out. Ick.

3.) My favorite color is yellow, however there isn't much of it in my house.

4.) If I had the option I would have at least two more dogs. Total animal lover!

5.) I used to hate beer, especially dark beers, until I met DH and he taught me how good beer can be. Now I actually like trying all the new beers we come across and looking for certain ones to try.

6.) When I was in labor with our son, I watched Jaws. I love that movie.

7.) I have no fashion sense. My typical outfit consists of jeans with a comfy top and shoes that I like. Or pajamas. I love me some pajamas.

That was so riveting. I had you on the edge of your seat, didn't I?! Look for me to be named one of People's Most Fascinating People soon. It's coming...I can feel it!

I'm supposed to tag people, yet I don't know who to tag. So I'll leave that part off. I'm such a slacker!


Jen said...

LOL... thanks for kicking off my afternoon with a chuckle! :)

Deby said...

I am a fellow tagee so I had to read your answers.

BTW, I'm totally with you on pajamas.