Saturday, April 28, 2007

Rocket Coffee Roasters

The deal of the century. Rocket Coffee offers three pounds of three different types of espresso for a really good price. In their pack comes the Classic Espresso blend, DarkStar blend, and the Caffe' del Razzo blend. (I will include Rocket's descriptions of each type when we sample them.)

For the first tasting we went with the Classic Espresso. Rocket describes it as such: "This classic espresso blend is composed of four different coffees, all of them of the highest quality Arabica. Humongous amounts of crema and a buttery smooth, big body, this espresso is honey sweet with dominating chocolate, exotic spice and cherry fruit notes. This is a well balanced blend that is powerful and complex yet finishes clean. A truly superb shot of espresso!"

Well, let's just say that neither "He" nor I have ever been able to taste all of the super awesome sounding notes that the real coffee tasters pick up on, but man do we wish we could. It definitely pulls us to buy the stuff when in the end we know we're not gonna taste even a 1/4 of what we "should." Nevertheless, here's our reviews:

Our Thoughts

HIS SIDE: I taste cherry, vanilla, and squash. ("She" interjects--"No you don't.") It smells very sweet. Can't say that I taste any of the stuff they mentioned but it's good. Wait...I taste cherry when I swirl it around for just a brief second. More tasting. Oh yeah, definitely tasting the cherries. I like it.

HER SIDE: I can't taste any of the things they described either. ("He" interjects--"That's because you don't know how to taste coffee.") Anyways. I taste the cherries now that it has cooled ever so slightly. Tasting some more. Thinking I might have an aftertaste of cocoa as it sits on my palate. More tasting after "He" says he is DEFINITELY tasting cherries now. I just taste bitterness. Soooooooo not an espresso connoisseur. Bring me my cappuccino! I still like this one, I just prefer it to have milk in it.


Jen said...

Hmmm... squash cappuccino... you might be on to something! ;)

Thanks for the tip about Rocket. Will check them out!

Just a cuppa lovers. said...

Well now "He" is saying that it's temperamental so he's somewhat changing his mind on it.

Me, I still like it. We'll be trying the other blends soon so stay tuned!