Monday, April 2, 2007
This is how Mondays should be
Did you ever have one of those days where everything went right when it usually goes wrong? We all know how bad Monday's are supposed to suck but so far (knock on wood) my Monday is rocking. It started off like a typical beginning of the week--got up, got the kids ready for school, took them to school, ran errands, did some work, then it happened--I made one of the best cappuccinos I've made in a long time. There is nothing quite like that first sip of a well pulled, perfect microfoam topped cuppa. I know you're going to laugh but I swear I tasted cinnamon this time. Even without that nice little zing it's been awhile since everything went "just right" and I actually sighed directly after drinking it. Lately my shots have been bitter, my foam bordering on "dishsoap" consistency, and I was beginning to think the Espresso Gods had cursed me. Today the curse has been lifted (or is that too soon to say?). My espresso world is once again in harmony and I say, "Bring it, Monday!"
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Good for you :) I wish I can have a good cup of coffee to brighten up Mondays :) but if I drink even a small cup of coffee, will be shaking and floating in cloud 9 the whole day.
I have to be really careful as well as I have hypoglycemia. I find that so long as I have eaten something protein wise and sugar wise I do fine. It has gotten better the more my body has adjusted to one cup a day. Sometimes I do have a bad drop in blood sugar and am rushing to bring it back up but that's more rare.
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