Wednesday, April 18, 2007

We are still alive

And still drinking coffee! We just haven't bought anything new lately and thus haven't had much to blog about. I am ordering some new espresso today (YEAH!) so keep checking back for tasting results. For the past month or so we've been enjoying some lovely Stumptown espresso but have started itching for a new bean. Being the ever-loving-triers-of-new-coffee we can't stick with one type for too long.

On to some blogging...

Thoughts on Starbucks. I used to love their coffee, or rather their blended drinks. The Caramel Macchiato's were my fav. I craved them and winced at the amount of calories I knew I was consuming. The caramelly goodness was almost irresistible to my sweet tooth. Then I started drinking good coffee and all of that changed. Nevertheless, I continued to be a paying customer at Starbucks as I adored their mugs--still do. Fresh, fun, funky, sized just right, colorful, ecclectic. Seriously, I have an addiction with cute coffee cups. I would come home with a new one and "He" would say, "Another one? Where are you going to put it?" I never knew but I always found a place. I would then lovingly use that mug until I found another one that I lusted after even more. Still, I didn't forget the past mugs and rotated them like a good collector. Unfortunately I learned about the ugly corporate side of Starbucks and have vowed to never give them another cent of my money again. This presents a quandary for me. On the one hand I am dying to go in and drool over the cups (and maybe give in to said weakness and bring one home). On the other hand I am so against everything the big giant stands for that I blanch at the thought of stepping in to the store. I realize our local stores haven't personally harmed any of the small town coffee shops that have been run over by their HQ, but they are a part of the larger picture. So alas, I fight my inner coffee cup fetish with doing what's "right." This makes "Him" quite happy, though. Our shelves are overflowing with my treasures. Maybe it's better this way.

Course I did see the cutest little mug in Fred Meyer's the other day...........


Brent said...

I know hes not an Oregon roaster, but a friend of mine down in San Francisco who roasts some pretty nice beans. He has online ordering and pretty good prices considering the quality.

I just got some of their Brazilian roast and it is really nice and smooth.

I encourage you to check out their site and taste some of their beans.
(if you do order mention my name Brent)

Just a cuppa lovers. said...

Sweet! We'll check him out and blog about it for sure. Wish we had a better grinder for regular coffee. Some of his sounded scrumptious!