Thursday, May 31, 2007


While out running errands on Tuesday I remembered that the Sparrow Bakery serves Stumptown coffee, so I stopped in for some beans (score!), and had to grab something tasty to eat. I typically get the Ocean Roll, but this time I settled for a Pain du Chocolat--I'm probably butchering that name, so forgive me. The gal behind the counter said it was a "chocolate croissant" so if you want one, just ask for that!

I was in heaven, baby. Chocolatey goodness with tasty espresso brewing. Good stuff.

Our machine

I realized that we (re: I) have never really discussed our machine/grinder/set-up, et al and thought it was high time I do so.

First, we start off with a Mazzer Mini Electronic Doserless Type A grinder. The beans are fed in, ground, run through a test pull, and then we adjust accordingly. We have both been very happy with this grinder. Usually we don't have to make many changes for the grind with the varying beans but when we do it's most likely one or two clicks to the left or right. Easy peasy!

Next, we tamp the beans in our naked portafilter using an Espro Automatic/Training Tamper. This has come in handy for teaching us how much pressure to use as it "clicks" when you reach that magic number. We are now shopping for a tighter fitting, non-automatic tamper, and I'll update when we get one. I would highly recommend the Espro for those just starting out, though.

Of course we are tamping into the La Spaziale Bottomless/Naked Portafilter. As the tampers above, we love that the bottomless basket allows us to truly watch the pours. We can see the creaminess, the tiger-stripping, the change to the blonding all by using this filter. Although we have others I think we'll keep using this one for a long time.

And then the final step comes--the machine. Ours is a La Spaziale Vivaldi II s1 (single group dual boiler). I love our machine, as does "He." We use it pretty much everyday, usually more than once a day, and after all the espressos, americanos, and cappuccinos that we've made, we still enjoy making them. While the machine and accessories weren't cheap, and installing the water line meant we had to drill a hole in our sink, it has been by far one of the best investments we've made. Not only does it brew up a great cuppa, but it also has a hot water button for tea, cocoa, ramen noodles, you get the picture. That seriously rocks! I could go in to the technical details like the double boiler, the temp sensor, and all that jazz but really, you don't want me talking about that because I will screw it up and/or get it wrong. So if you're interested, then go to the link below and read. :)

Now I know what you're thinking--"What about the milk?" We have two pitchers, one small, and one bigger. I use the big one most times because it allows the milk to expand more readily. I can froth in the small one but I don't like it. "He" typically uses the big one too, yet has on occasion used the little one. "He" likes a challenge.

We bought our stuff from Chris Coffee Service and HIGHLY recommend him! Competitively priced (remember, "He" researches EVERYTHING), excellent customer service, and he carries wonderful products. If you're even thinking about buying any of the above mentioned items, or even any espresso/coffee making schtuff, then give him a whirl!

Monday, May 28, 2007


Today I drank the very last batch of the Dark Star. We are now sans espresso for a bit. "He" went to Thump this weekend to buy some beans but found out that since they aren't getting a shipment until Wed. that they aren't selling any beans. I don't blame them a bit yet I'm bummed, of course. Looks like I'll either have to go without my beloved cappuccino tomorrow or maybe get out and try someplace new. That doesn't sound like a bad idea actually.

Now we'll have to decide on who to try next after our Stumptown beans run out. I can go a day or two without a cuppa, but have no desire to be without espresso for a week or so (which is usually how long it takes to get a batch 'o beans), hence why we'll pick up some beans locally for now. There are a couple of front-runners that we're looking at to sample next. One was recommended by Brent and we'd like to give them a whirl. So, now the real fun begins. Oh the anticipation!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rocket's Dark Star

Like something out of a George Lucas movie, the third in our series of the sampler pack from Rocket Coffee Roasters, is entitled Dark Star. Labeled as a "Northern Italian" espresso we were very excited to try this one and boy were we not disappointed. Unlike it's predecessor (the Caffe' del Razzo), this blend was rich, thick, chocolatey, and even a tad bit spicey. At the first pull it was thick and creamy like a nitro-tapped beer. Beautiful! Although most espressos pull this way in the beginning there are varying degrees of thickness that you start to notice the more blends you try. Watching the crema and espresso merge into the cup is really cool. Cool for weirdos like us, mind you, but cool nonetheless. Thankfully I set up the calibration for this blend, lest "he" waste more of it, and had it nailed quickly. Each cup was enjoyed immensely by both of us. Unfortunately we are at the tail end of our 1 lb. journey with the Dark Star, yet it's been a great one. Highly recommend you espresso lovers try this one out.

Rocket writes: "This blend consists of 3 different Arabica coffees roasted to a medium darkness. Rich, buttery smooth and full of body with hints of chocolate and ripe berries. This complex blend is wonderfully suited for a straight espresso and works incredibly well in a latte or cappuccino!"

Our Thoughts

HIS SIDE: This one is really good. Tough call between the Hairbender and the Dark Star. Chocolatey, rich, and roasty. Like a good craft beer.

HER SIDE: Wow! Very tasty! I'm not picking up on the berries but I am definitely tasting the chocolate. Very rich and roasty, I'm getting the "good craft beer" analogy for sure. This one may be my absolute fav. Either way, it's ranking right up there with the Hairbender.

I'm so gonna miss this one but will definitely be re-ordering!

Rocket's Caffe' del Razzo

Rocket Coffee Roasters second espresso in the pack of three we got is called Caffe' del Razzo. When we ran out of the Classic Espresso "he" chose this blend and gave it a whirl. I had to laugh at him though. Some of you may know that when you put new beans in you have to run test shots through to ensure you have the proper grind and water temperature all in the name of getting the right amount of espresso and crema in the alloted timeframe. Usually I can calibrate things within one pull. I'm just that good. Okay, okay...maybe it's more like I'm nowhere near as anal about this kind of stuff as "he" is. Don't get me wrong...I make sure that I have the right amount of espresso pulled and that the taste is good. But "he," oh lawdy. I swear, the man went through half the bag to "get it right" as he was sure that my way was fraught with all kinds of wrong. I let him have his fun and watched as he diligently timed each pull, tasted it, dumped it out, and repeated the entire process. Sometimes there just isn't much on cable these days and you have to get your entertainment from SOMEWHERE! Finally he was sure he had everything where it needed to be and the tasting began.

On to the good stuff: Rocket describes their Caffe' del Razzo blend as being "blended from incredibly balanced coffees from three of the world's major growing regions. Excellent balance between body and acidity with a sweet spiciness makes this an ideal espresso shot and it truly shines thru in milk."

Our Thoughts

HIS SIDE: At first I thought this one was pretty decent but I've since decided it's too temperamental. Kind of like the Redline blend. Not a fan.

HER SIDE: Meh, it's okay. Nothing that's blowing my mind. I wouldn't re-order it. I agree that it can be a pain to pull. Shots have been too bitter at times, just right at others, and sometimes acidic. Not digging it either.

I told ya it wasn't much to write about but there it is. And you waited all of this time for that? I know, I know...

Cuppas missing in action

Oh how remiss we've been. Or rather, how remiss I'VE been since "he" never blogs. If I die this blog is so going down in flames. Men.

I have been meaning and wanting to blog about our last two types of espresso that we got from Rocket but illness has stood in the way of that. Turns out I have some sort of auto-immune disease/inflammatory arthritis thing going on and man is it ever kicking my ass. Exhausted doesn't even begin to describe the fatigue I have, nor can I put into words how much pain I'm in. Alas, I have let my beloved espresso reviews fall by the wayside. However, I am back for now ready to partake of our coffee experiences. The first will be boring because hey, the espresso wasn't much to write about, but the second...oh the second. I loved it.

Once again I apologize for disappearing and am hoping the steroids I'm currently on give me an extra kick (sans extra hair please) and I'm back to my old self. A girl can hope right?!