Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rocket's Caffe' del Razzo

Rocket Coffee Roasters second espresso in the pack of three we got is called Caffe' del Razzo. When we ran out of the Classic Espresso "he" chose this blend and gave it a whirl. I had to laugh at him though. Some of you may know that when you put new beans in you have to run test shots through to ensure you have the proper grind and water temperature all in the name of getting the right amount of espresso and crema in the alloted timeframe. Usually I can calibrate things within one pull. I'm just that good. Okay, okay...maybe it's more like I'm nowhere near as anal about this kind of stuff as "he" is. Don't get me wrong...I make sure that I have the right amount of espresso pulled and that the taste is good. But "he," oh lawdy. I swear, the man went through half the bag to "get it right" as he was sure that my way was fraught with all kinds of wrong. I let him have his fun and watched as he diligently timed each pull, tasted it, dumped it out, and repeated the entire process. Sometimes there just isn't much on cable these days and you have to get your entertainment from SOMEWHERE! Finally he was sure he had everything where it needed to be and the tasting began.

On to the good stuff: Rocket describes their Caffe' del Razzo blend as being "blended from incredibly balanced coffees from three of the world's major growing regions. Excellent balance between body and acidity with a sweet spiciness makes this an ideal espresso shot and it truly shines thru in milk."

Our Thoughts

HIS SIDE: At first I thought this one was pretty decent but I've since decided it's too temperamental. Kind of like the Redline blend. Not a fan.

HER SIDE: Meh, it's okay. Nothing that's blowing my mind. I wouldn't re-order it. I agree that it can be a pain to pull. Shots have been too bitter at times, just right at others, and sometimes acidic. Not digging it either.

I told ya it wasn't much to write about but there it is. And you waited all of this time for that? I know, I know...

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