Thursday, May 31, 2007

Our machine

I realized that we (re: I) have never really discussed our machine/grinder/set-up, et al and thought it was high time I do so.

First, we start off with a Mazzer Mini Electronic Doserless Type A grinder. The beans are fed in, ground, run through a test pull, and then we adjust accordingly. We have both been very happy with this grinder. Usually we don't have to make many changes for the grind with the varying beans but when we do it's most likely one or two clicks to the left or right. Easy peasy!

Next, we tamp the beans in our naked portafilter using an Espro Automatic/Training Tamper. This has come in handy for teaching us how much pressure to use as it "clicks" when you reach that magic number. We are now shopping for a tighter fitting, non-automatic tamper, and I'll update when we get one. I would highly recommend the Espro for those just starting out, though.

Of course we are tamping into the La Spaziale Bottomless/Naked Portafilter. As the tampers above, we love that the bottomless basket allows us to truly watch the pours. We can see the creaminess, the tiger-stripping, the change to the blonding all by using this filter. Although we have others I think we'll keep using this one for a long time.

And then the final step comes--the machine. Ours is a La Spaziale Vivaldi II s1 (single group dual boiler). I love our machine, as does "He." We use it pretty much everyday, usually more than once a day, and after all the espressos, americanos, and cappuccinos that we've made, we still enjoy making them. While the machine and accessories weren't cheap, and installing the water line meant we had to drill a hole in our sink, it has been by far one of the best investments we've made. Not only does it brew up a great cuppa, but it also has a hot water button for tea, cocoa, ramen noodles, you get the picture. That seriously rocks! I could go in to the technical details like the double boiler, the temp sensor, and all that jazz but really, you don't want me talking about that because I will screw it up and/or get it wrong. So if you're interested, then go to the link below and read. :)

Now I know what you're thinking--"What about the milk?" We have two pitchers, one small, and one bigger. I use the big one most times because it allows the milk to expand more readily. I can froth in the small one but I don't like it. "He" typically uses the big one too, yet has on occasion used the little one. "He" likes a challenge.

We bought our stuff from Chris Coffee Service and HIGHLY recommend him! Competitively priced (remember, "He" researches EVERYTHING), excellent customer service, and he carries wonderful products. If you're even thinking about buying any of the above mentioned items, or even any espresso/coffee making schtuff, then give him a whirl!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still like your S1? I've been trying to figure out my next machine (upgrade from Rancilio Silvia/Rocky duo). Been looking at everything such as Andreja, Domobar, Brewtus II, and of course La Spaz Vivaldi II. Such a hard decision...don't want to have any buyer's remorse when forking over that much money! I am bummed that Chris Coffee screwed up my last order and instead of getting my order in a couple of days it took over a week...they said they would reimburse me for the slower shipping, but that's not at all the point. Obviously when someone pays almost as much for expedited shipping as the item they purchased, they want it fast. Oh well, sorry to rant. BTW, I'm a fellow in Forest Grove.