I saw some of this at Newport Market and finally picked one up to give it a go. I will admit that I had misgivings from the get-go but tried it with an open mind. After all, it is actually made and imported from Italy so it has to be at least a little decent, right? Famous last words. Typically I will try just about any cold coffee drink at least once. Many of them taste the same to me...crappy coffee, sweet, and not like something I'd want to drink again. Although, I hate to admit that I actually like Starbucks Iced Coffee in a can. While I'm not a big fan of the "can" taste, I like the drink itself. ssshhh...don't tell anyone! Where was I? Ah yes, BibiCaffe. So I cracked open the bottle and took a sip. I can't say that I enjoyed that first one, or the second, or even the third. Something about it seemed, I don't know...wrong. There was a definite espresso taste yet it was carbonated. A tad too sweet for me, yet even that wasn't the problem. No matter how many times I tried it, I couldn't get past the fact that there were bubbles in the coffee. I can deal with cold coffee but...bubbly? I thought I could enjoy it. I was wrong.
"He" tried it and said it tasted like CocaCola Blak. I could see that. The website describes it as: "a sparkling espresso drink with hints of vanilla and caramel. One taste and you’ll know BibiCaffè is in a class by itself. This distinctly refreshing and versatile beverage offers a great-tasting alternative to existing coffee and energy drinks."
hmmm...I don't know about all of that now. I definitely did not like it and "he" was neutral about it, but at least we gave it a shot. I think I'll stick to my espresso being non-carbonated from here on out.
I like the Starbucks-in-a-can too, and it's definitely improved if you pour it in a glass with some ice.
Does anyplace in town have *good* iced coffee? (Not iced espresso drinks, just plain coffee....)
You know, it's sad, I usually get a cappuccino instead of an iced coffee. I did try an iced coffee from Starbucks itself and it wasn't the same.
I'll have to start sampling iced coffees around town too and see what I come up with! If you find a good one, let me know.
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