Seriously, YEAH! I saw on Thump's website last week that they were starting to serve Toddy Style Iced Coffee. I had never heard of Toddy style...wait, scratch that...I have but only when it comes to drinks with Rum in them. "He" had, of course, and launched into informing me all about the cold brewing process and how it is the "ONLY" way to drink Iced Coffee. In doing a little of my own research it seems there are a few different ways to brew up your own concoction of the coffee extract and different schools of thought on mixing it. Basically, the idea is that you brew the coffee "cold" instead of hot. One site suggests grinding up some beans, mixing it with water, and letting it sit overnight in the refrigerator. You then drain the mixture and voila--you've got Toddy extract! Mix the syrupy, strong concentrate with water, add some ice, and you're drinking a true Iced Coffee. They say that as it reduces the coffee's acidity it makes it easier on the tummy. "He" said the caffeine is also supposed to be less. Very cool! You can also try using a French Press with cold water. I'm guessing you'd have to play around with the brewing times to find the right one for you, though.
Now, we haven't experimented with our own yet but rest assure that "He" is well on his way to finding THE perfect Toddy-style concentrate maker. We will report back once that happens.
I being the truly impatient one had to head down to Thump to give this newfangled (to me anyways) coffee a try. I ordered up a small size and gave it a taste. Yummy! It is strong so those of you who are used to drinking Iced Caramel Macchiato's at Starbucks are probably going to want to add sugar to it. Do your best not to go crazy me on this one. I opted for a splash of cream and not quite a packet of the Raw Sugar just to bring out the sweetness in the coffee. Personally, I thought it was great and probably one of the best iced coffee's I've ever had. You could actually taste the flavor of the coffee beans which is not usually the case in other iced coffees. There is a definite sweetness on its own and it's smoother than a baby's butt. Not that I've licked any baby butts in my time...just sayin'. Admittedly it took a little getting used to because of the strength yet keep an open mind and keep tasting! "He" came home and was able to get a sip in before I drank it all, and thought it was excellent. Granted, the ice cubes had melted by then so it was more watered down than it was when I first got it. Eh, no matter.
The one thing I forgot to ask was what type of beans they're using for the cold-brewing. I know they've got a few new ones featured so shame on me for not getting the goods. Next time...I promise!
Run, don't walk, as I don't know how long they'll be serving this up for. I'm hoping at least through August and maybe into September. Tell 'em we sent you and then let us know what you think!
YEAH!!! I am on my way... now! :)
Excellent! Let me know what you think!
It's YUMMY. :) Could use a tiny touch of liquid sweetener. Maybe. Other than that... Mmmmmmmm...
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