The worst part about coffee is that when you get to the end of the bag the beans typically take on a bitter taste. Sometimes it can even be metallic. Almost always it's tough to drink. I think this is probably why so many people say they don't like coffee/espresso. Unless you're hitting joints like Thump, Backporch, or Bellatazza where they use fresh beans, it's quite likely you're getting "old" beans. Then if you have a barista that operates a machine that is completely automatic and can't be adjusted, you can pretty much bet it's not going to be nearly as tasty as going somewhere that knows what they're doing. Unfortunately most people don't know this. So they either keep drinking crappy coffee or avoid it altogether. I love Brian at DoubleShot's motto--"Drink more coffee." but he will tell you that what he actually means is "Drink BETTER coffee." If more people had properly prepared coffee/espresso than I'm guessing there would be more coffee lovers in the world.
Where is this all going?
We get down to the "dregs" of the beans and finally run out. I told "him" over the phone that I was going to pick up some more when he got home from work. Then immediately after I got off the phone I forgot what I had said and decided to go right then. I picked up some espresso beans and also grabbed 12 ozs. of a Guatamalen for the Toddy. Hit the store, came home expecting to see him, and he wasn't home yet. No worries. Put everything away and do some more work. He comes home and what to my wandering eyes did I see? Coffee beans! Two bags. One espresso blend and one for the Toddy. Almost 4 pounds of coffee. Remember how I said that coffee beans start going bad the minute they come out of the roaster? And how usually by the time we hit the bottom of the bag they have taken on that not-so-tasty flavor? Oh, did I mention that we're going up to the Portland BrewFest this week/weekend? So that takes away 4 days that we'd normally be consuming said coffee?
Ay yi yi.
I asked him why he got the coffee. He was trying to save me a trip because I told him I'd go when he got home from work. I told him this and did the exact opposite and of course he had no way of knowing this. Galiant on his end, stupid on mine.
I blame the "old" coffee. It wasn't working as well as it should have been. Time to break out the vaccuum-sealer.
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