We arrived in Portland on Thursday July 26th checking into our hotel, Marriott Portland City-Center, and although we dug the hotel itself, we were none too impressed when we found out that we would have to PAY for internet. And not only did we have to pay for it but it wasn't wireless either. The cherry on top? LOCAL phone calls cost $1 each. That is, unless you bought the $9.95 a day internet package--then you got free local and long distance calls. Now, I don't know about you but most hotels we've stayed in included free internet, free local calls, and most often the internet was wireless. Even in the Best Western hotel we crashed at on Saturday night there were no extra charges for anything AND the internet was wireless. Yes, I'm still bitter that on top of shelling out $200 PER night we had to pay another $10 so we could look up a few necessary things. Ridiculous. In looking at the front page of their website it states:
- In-room high-speed Internet access
hmmm...nothing on there about the COST and/or it not being wireless. In going further through the site it does have the asterisk beside it which you then scroll down to read:
* Available through Marriott’s “Wired for Business” in-room technology package
It doesn't say how much, or that it's a requirement to get online. Whatever. Still bitter. Working on letting go.........
But who cares about all that when you have BEER to drink! We decided to hit the BrewFest on Friday around 12'ish, although there were people down there at 9 a.m. Those are some hardcore drinkers! We were pleased to find there was no long line to get in at that time, got our wristbands on after they checked our ID's, "he" bought a mug and some tokens, then a program, and we were off. The trailers were split into two sections. 1-3 were on the right side (from where you came in at) while 4-6 were on the left. In between were the food trailers and on the outside of the beer tastings were the porta-potties. As an aside, seriously folks--I know you wanted to speed things up a big by installing male urinals, but you could TOTALLY see the guys peeing--you did not cover up the big, wide, non-door-having, stall thingies at all. Granted, none of the guys seemed to care and I'm sure after a few "full tastes" whatever shred of modesty they had went right out the window, yet still. I saw way more than I thought I would. Funny for me, probably completely wrong for others.
We started off at the 1-3 trailers and "he" quickly dove in to start the sampling. I was only able to sip from his mug as I really shouldn't be drinking these days (my liver is screwed up) but I did try everything he did. After we tried the various brews on the "right" side, we grabbed some food. I got a beef gyro from Greek Cusina and he got a salmonwich from Truly Med (I think it was)--it looked like a wrap, had salmon, lettuce, croutons, and Italian dressing in it. Mine was okay, a little heavy on the cucumber sauce and the meat was cold, yet I ate it. "He" liked his salmon-thingamabob a lot. We also grabbed Mango Lemonades that were tasty. Next we hit trailers 4-6. I should add that both sides had large tents with tables and chairs so that you could drink your brew in the shade. This tent was rocking! The rowdies abounded here as they would start off with a chant (one was "Trailer 6 is the best, trailer 6 is the best, BEER!) and then it was followed by a "wave" of sorts which consisted of whoops/yelling. We laughed EVERY time! Good times, good times.
All in all it was so worth the drive and the bastard hotel. Everything was run very smoothly and although the crowd had definitely picked up by the time we left (around 3 p.m.), people behaved themselves and it was easy to navigate the area. Of course this was probably different at night, yet we had no plans to find out. ;) Here's a list of what we tried and our thoughts:
Watermelon Wheat by 21st Amendment -- We had heard that if you went to the BrewFest you HAD to try the Watermelon Wheat. Well you didn't have to tell us twice because we both were down with giving this one a go. Surprisingly enough this one was done well. Just a hint of watermelon and a good wheat beer flavor backing it up. Refreshing, different, fun.
Hennepin by Brewery Ommegang -- "He" doesn't like Saison's and this one was no different. I don't think I cared for this one, yet didn't hate it. We forgot to take notes. Sue us.
Razberry Wheat by Cascade Brewing -- Good LAWD the raspberries have taken over and not in a good way! I usually like "fruity" beers, as does "he," yet this one was just wrong. Too bitter, too much raspberry taste, and barely any of the lovely wheat shining through. Pass.
Honey Orange Wheat by Eugene City Brewery -- Totally disappointed in this one. Not enough orange flavor to even taste it. We also would've liked a touch more sweetness to "feel" the honey flavor. Not a bad beer, just tasted like a regular wheat. Did they even put any of the oranges or honey in it? Not sure.
Donner Party Porter by Fifty Fifty Brewing Co. -- Both of us love a good porter. Like really love it. This one was smooth, rich, and roasty. Granted it doesn't beat Deschutes' Black Butte, yet if the store was out of BB but had the Donner, we'd grab the Donner in a heartbeat.
Bourbon Barrel Abbey Dubbel by Flying Fish Brewing Co. -- "He" adores Dubbels so there was no way this one was not going to be sampled. Before we tasted it, we could smell it. Bourbon times ten! This was one strong beer flavor-wise, but it was also smooth...just like a good bourbon. We weren't a big fan of it as the bourbon taste overpowered the beer taste, yet if you ever see it out grab one and give it a go. You'll probably just need one.
Red Thistle Quercas by Golden Valley Brewery -- This beer had a funky taste to it. Not sure if it was supposed to taste like that, if it was the aging in the oak barrels, or if it got ruined along the way. Didn't matter...we sipped and dumped.
"El Jefe" Weizen Ale by Hale's Ales -- German Wheats are "his" absolute faves and I really like them as well. Just the smell of the El Jefe brought me back to my grandma's kitchen with freshly baked banana bread coming out of the oven. Yum. This beer was a big hit with us. Not only did Hale's Ales nail the German Wheat brew, but they also added in a kick with a few spices that gave it some zing. Way to go, guys! If you ever see a spot for this beer at one of the stores and it's routinely empty...blame us!
SummerAid by Lompoc Brewing -- Can't remember what this one tasted like. It was probably just "okay" since we didn't immediately think "it sucked!" or "it rocked!" when I brought this one up.
Farmer's Daughter by Max's Fanno Creek Brewpub -- Another Saison...not his thing but gave it a try. I thought it was alright. "He" didn't.
Believer by Ninkasi Brewing Co. -- Usually when we get a Red Ale we like it to be malty, or at least more malty than hoppy. This beer was unfortunately the opposite. While the hops were not overwhelming it just didn't jive with how we like our reds. Not a fan.
A Midsummers White by Old Market -- "He" isn't a fan of Belgian Wits. This beer is a Wit beer. I'm still not sure why he got it except that he seemed shocked when I told him it was a Wit. Wit = White. This one was sampled and then poured out at the "rinse" station.
Heiferweizen by Pelican -- Another Wit, another sample and down the drain. Not tasty.
Betsy Ross Imperial Golden by Philadelphia's Brewpub -- Quite possibly the second beer making the trip worthwhile. I loved this one and "he" really liked it as well. Memory fails on how best to describe it yet if you ever, and I mean ever, see this anywhere don't hesitate and grab it!
Velvet Pale Ale by Rock Bottom Brewery -- This is what happens when you don't take notes. "He" thinks it was okay. I think it wasn't good. Or maybe it was just okay. And we call ourselves reviewers.
Pliny the Elder by Russian River Brewing Co. -- Can I have some beer with my hops?! This was one that "he" HAD to try. I think hops sprouted out of his ears after drinking this one. Normally I dig hops so long as they are balanced. I can't say I felt this one was very balanced. Nor could he. How people drink more than one of these boggles my mind.
Mai Bock by Sprecher Brewing Co. -- Another of "his" favorite types of beers. Bocks are routinely seen in our fridge and he would've stood in line for an hour to get a drop of this one. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. "He" liked this one...said it tasted like Mai Bock. But if you don't know what a Mai Bock tastes like then you're screwed.
Vertical Epic 7/7/07 by Stone -- One of the better Saison-type beers, definitely different enough that we liked this one. We actually finished the taste.
TG Triple by Terminal Gravity -- "He" digs Trappist and Abbey Ales and felt like this was a good example of one. Malty, strong, and full-bodied this beer delivered a rich taste that he classified as "very nice."
Noggin Grog by Widmer Brothers Brewing -- Another decent beer despite it being a Wit. Like the Vertical Epic, this one was an exception rather than the rule.
It's possible I left one or two out. After many tastes and not taking notes, things ran together. Then we slept between then and now and well, we're old and we don't remember stuff as well as we used to. Either way, it was a helluva lotta fun being able to sample different brews and see other beer lovers as well. We'll definitely be back!
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