Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Eau de Cafe

If there is one thing I would wish for my home to smell like, it would be a cafe. Warm, inviting, and richly scented of the finest espresso beans. One that made you instantly want to plop down on the sofa, sip a cuppa, and relax. Maybe read Tolstoy. Or Harry Potter. Whatever floats your boat. Everyday, for the briefest of moments, after I make a cappuccino I get a taste of what life would be like living in a home that smells of freshly ground and brewed coffee. Unfortunately it doesn't last long enough. Buzzkill. As far as I know they don't make coffee scented Plug-Ins, but they should. They sooo should. I think it would triple their business sales. Or not. But if the coffee Gods are listening, please make the fine people at Glade have an epiphany and create the Plug-In to end all Plug-In's--namely one that smells like coffee. I can't brew all day like a real cafe does. So that leaves candles. Self-admittedly I am a candle hoor. I love them like I love mugs. Personally, I think one can never have too many candles. Unless you have hoarding issues. Then maybe you could have too many. Therefore I have several. Some are there for looks and get lit every now and then. Like when company comes over. Or I feel all romantic and stuff. Others are "working" candles. By that I mean these are the ones I light to make the house smell good. They have to be heavily scented as we have a large, open floorplan and thus it takes a lot to fill up the area. Sadly, most candles fall short of this requirement and get relegated to a smaller room instead. Now, I know that my house isn't going to be satiated with the smell of roasted beans no matter how hard I try. And that's okay. There is something to be said for not smelling like a walking cup of joe as soon as you walk out of a cafe...or in this case your house, if your house actually did smell like a cafe. I would prefer something in the middle of "COFFEE" and "coffee."

Finding this happy medium is more difficult than one might think. Or at least it has been for me. Many of the candles I saw online were poured into glass mugs topped with whipped cream ...and sometimes a cherry. (Who the hell puts cherries in their coffee?) THIS one is interesting, though. Bonus points for the bag 'o beans. The ones that I was actually able to smell in person did not smell like coffee. They smelled like s'mores, or hot chocolate. I somewhat gave up on finding one I truly liked via shopping at the mall and instead turned to the internets. As Christmas was approaching my dad asked for a list of things we wanted, so I added a few different coffee-scented candles that I figured would make a good gift.

I got not one, not two, but THREE different coffee/cappuccino scented candles. Bring on the testing!! I have burned all three of them thus far, yet the only one I feel I can fairly review at this time is the Old Virginia Candle Company's Coffee scented Soy candle. I adore their Woodwick candles and would advise you to RUN, not walk, to your nearest store that carries these and buy one. They are hard to find but well worth the money. Sadly, there are no coffee scented ones. I also noticed that they don't seem to have the one I received for Christmas (the Farm Grown Coffee scented one) listed on their website. You can still get it through Amazon (or just click on the "coffee scented soy candle" link above) if you so desire.

Smell-wise it has a rich, nutty, scent that does fill the air quite nicely after it has burned for about an hour or so. I did notice after I had it lit for about 2 hours, blew it out, left, and came back that upon walking into the house you could distinctly smell coffee. While it's nowhere near as wonderful as sticking your nose directly into a bag of Stumptown beans, it has thus far made me happy.

More reviews on the other two coming soon!

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