Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Merry Christmas to us!

For Christmas this year my dad asked us to make him a list of items we wanted so that he could purchase stuff rather than give us money--as he normally does. We're always down for some money, yet thought it would be fun to have gifts to unwrap for a change. So I headed over to Chris' Coffee Service and sent the links to a few things we've been needing and wanting to get, just never have. Come Christmas day we opened the following items thus making us that much closer to being true home baristas. Or whatever.

First, the Bumper Tamper Stand:

This bad boy is a major step up from what we were using...a folded up bar towel. Okay, so it wasn't high-tech by any stretch of the imagination, it was a tad messy, and I'm sure it screwed up our tamping "skills" but it worked. Needless to say, this item was looooong overdue in our repertoire. It has taken some getting used to, however we're quite glad to no longer be using the towel.

Second, a REAL tamper!

I'm torn on this one. We need it, we so need it, I need it. I need to grow up and stop using the Espro tamper and learn how to tamp like a true espresso brewer. But damn it's tough. I honestly can't tell if I'm applying enough pressure, too much, or not enough. Of course "he" has had no issues with the shots he's pulled. They've been awesome, actually. I know over time I'll adjust and get the hang of things. In the meantime, don't be surprised if I sneak an Espro tamp in here and there.

And, here's a close up of the tamper stand/bumper thingamabob:

Last, but certainly not least, cappuccino cups from Italy in the size they should be! Ours are the 025 ones, although I thought they would be the 020 ones.

Yes, yes, ladies and gents we have been using cups that are much too big. I believe they hold 8 ozs. total...gasp...for shame! The problem is that I have diligently been trying to find stylish, whimsical, fun cups rather than plain brown or white. This is easier said than done, unfortunately. Finally I got tired of milky cappuccino's and gave in. I like brown but I really like my cappuccinos to taste as they should.

There's been a lot of changes now, a lot of realizing that I need classes. Badly. But it's all been in good fun! So, thanks dad!! We are mucho appreciative!

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