Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Backporch Coffee Roasters Brazil & Espresso Blend

No website for these guys yet, but the above pic will take you to their blog where you can learn more about them. They are newer in town and both "he" and I were excited to see a local roaster popping up. I went in one day to be served by Dave, one of the owners, and he was very happy when I ordered a straight double shot--nothing fancy. Unfortunately I had to get it to go and I remembered why I hate getting anything coffee to go--paper cups. What I could taste of the espresso was nice yet I mainly tasted paper cup. This is, obviously, not Backporch's fault and "he" and I have decided that we should just find an alternative to paper cups and save the world from having their yummy coffee "ruined." Just as soon as we finish the whole world peace thing...

I was able to get some of their espresso blend, then when we went back for more they were running low as it was Christmas and man were they packed! Sad for us but we were very happy to see they had no beans to spare. Dave told us later that he had to come back on Christmas and roast more beans as they sold out completely. Sweet--well, except for the working on Christmas part. For that second sampling we were told to try the Brazil as a straight shot. Now, normally we like a blend but since we didn't have much choice and are always up for trying something new, we went for it.

Our thoughts

HIS SIDE: (Espresso Blend) Good flavor, nice pull, good stuff.

HIS SIDE: (Brazil) Eh...not so much for espresso. The Kenyan Peabody is excellent but our other grinder sucks so I get way too much "powder."

HER SIDE: (Espresso Blend) Ditto to his side. I am impressed with this one for sure. Not to mention the fact that this stuff was FRESH! Roasted exactly two days before we bought it. Can't get any better than that.

HER SIDE: (Brazil) It passes for when I'm out of a true espresso blend but I definitely prefer a blend over a straight. I think this would make excellent coffee just haven't had a chance to try it that way yet. It should be noted that I burnt my tongue for the first tasting so it wasn't the best way to try a new bean but subsequent tastings yielded the same results--good coffee but kinda boring espresso.

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