Okay, first it must be said that I really love listening to Brian's podcasts. The first time I heard one was when "He" and I had to go to Portland and "He" played some for me. Apparently a big coffee giant was going after Brian's company and it really opened my eyes to how selfish, insane, and silly big commerce can be. From that moment I vowed never to set foot into another large coorperation coffee joint again--"He" did too. I digress...so we had been wanting to try some of the "gallon can" espresso for awhile and finally ordered some. Brian was out of beans but sent some to us as soon as he could. Thankfully it was right before the weekend as we were jonesing for some tasty coffee and neither one of us wanted to wait until Monday. When it arrived we opened the paint can and inhaled the lovely scent of really good beans.
DoubleShot describes the Ambergris Blend as such: "A well-balanced, exceptionally smooth shot that comes on with an intial burst of chocolate and fruity aromas. A blueberry sweetness counterbalances the explosion of acidity at first sip, subsiding into a buttery pool on the palette. Flavors of caramel and muted vanilla linger on. Strangely reminiscent of the eccentric junior high home room teacher who wafted Jungle Gardenia perfume all the way down the hallway."
That last part is nice, baby.
Our thoughts
HIS SIDE: Still waiting because he's slow this week (a.k.a. been tied up playing Rainbow Six online)
HER SIDE: Man, I love this blend. I loved it from the moment I stuck my nose deep into the can and smelled the beans. Granted, I don't have quite as defined a palate as most, I'm sure, but I know what I like and I like this. It ranks right up there with the Stumptown Hair Bender and it pulls like BlackCat--very gooey, yummy, makes you yearn for more. I did notice that it is not nearly as acidic as some but then maybe that's my pulling technique and/or tasting skills becoming stronger. Either way put this one down as one of my top 10 favs thus far.
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