Saturday, February 17, 2007

Thump Coffee Cafe Review

So "He" and I finally got a chance to swing by Thump and check it out. Cute little cafe near Staccato's. They do not roast their own beans but they do serve Stumptown coffee, which is a favorite of ours. This time we opted for two cappuccinos. Both were served with spooned foam and the foam itself was pretty "peaky"--like meringue. Granted, I love me some microfoam but this was pushing it. At least the espresso was decent. It seemed a little overextracted, maybe, yet still left us with no aftertaste--the signature of Stumptown.

Our Thoughts

HIS SIDE: Foam was too thick but it's better than Bellatazza's cappuccino. No crappy aftertaste, thankfully, and not a bad cuppa all around. I might go there again and I would recommend it to others seeking a good cap.

HER SIDE: I agree with "He." Overall I liked it, especially compared to some of the cappuccino's served around here, yet not sure I can say that it's better than Bellatazza's 100%. I'd have to taste them both at the same time but I do love that I don't get that bitter aftertaste. I detected a hint of overextraction...maybe...could've been the lunch we had just eaten clouding my tastebuds, but nevertheless I would hit this joint again in a heartbeat.

No pics, sorry--maybe next time. Their website is still a job application but maybe that will change soon. I do like their purple La Marzocco machine, though. That's pretty freakin' cool.


Jen said...

Are there any coffeeshops in Bend that properly prepare the "microfoam" that you rave about?

Just a cuppa lovers. said...

Thump was pretty good, but just a tad too stiff. Still, I think that would be your best bet because the espresso is yummy!

Bellatazza would be my second choice.

Aside from coming to our house, that is. ;o)

Jen said...

Thanks! I like Thump, so apparently my taste in coffee is at least OK. ;)