Thursday, February 15, 2007

Nastiest coffee evah

A couple weeks ago I had my dad pick me up some coffee from Costco as I needed it for a project and didn't want to waste good coffee. Plus it was cheap...$3.33 a pound. Nice. I don't remember what the name of it is (will update when I do) but it was labeled as a French Roast. The beans themselves were black as oil and the poor tops were cracked. When we opened the bag instead of being greeted by that inviting aroma that I'm used to I thought I was standing in a cow pasture. It stank. My dad, "He," and I all recoiled in horror. Hell, even the cheap Millstone coffee I've used in the past smelled a thousand times better than this. For a minute I thought about not even using it as I didn't want to subject anyone else to the horror, but then I remembered that it would be in an area where no one would have their nose hairs burnt off. After touching the beans our fingers smelled like cigarettes, I kid you not. How anyone drinks this stuff is beyond me. And no, I did not test it out. I was too afraid it would kill me and then the paramedics would all keel over trying to save me ala Grey's Anatomy as of late (that show pisses me off these days).


Brent said...

Goes great with the Costco Pizza.

As a side note I just bought a bone dry triple Cap out of desperation from Starbucks...

I should of gotten costco coffee.

Just a cuppa lovers. said...

Oh aren't kidding. Starbucks beans are pretty bad.

I haven't tried the pizza--but if it's anything like the coffee, I'll pass. :oD