Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Stumptown Hair Bender Espresso Blend

We had been reading about these guys ever since we started getting serious about espresso, so imagine our excitement when we had to drive to Portland and knew the highlight of our trip would be going to one of their shops. We specifically picked a hotel near there which ended up being a good thing as when we arrived there was a sign on the door saying they were closing early for their Christmas party. We had 15 mins. to drink down one of our tastiest cups yet. Well worth it--we just plan to spend more time there when we go back. Of course we didn't leave empty-handed. We bought a pound of the Hair Bender and lovingly transported it back home where it was ground up fresh and brewed to near perfection. The one thing "he" and I noticed was that after we drank our cuppas at Stumptown neither one of us had that "bitter tongue" thing going on and instead had a very pleasant aftertaste that lingered for quite awhile. Just recently we discovered The Sparrow Bakery serves Stumptown coffee so we plan to break in and steal all their beans as soon as we create our masks. (Note: that is a joke people)

Stumptown describes their Hair Bender Espresso Blend as such: "This blend consists of five different coffees from the three major growing regions of the world. Rich, complex and full of body, Hair Bender makes a spectacular cup. We use this blend for espresso in our cafés and roastery."

Our thoughts

HIS SIDE: Much stronger coffee flavor than any we've tried thus far. This is one of my favorites. I was surprised at the aftertaste and will be buying more of this soon.

HER SIDE: Way less bitter/acidic than our others have been. Either we're getting better at pulling or this is just idiot-proof espresso. No matter, I'm digging this blend and will be hounding "him" to buy some more.

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